Terminally-Ill Pooch And His Bucket List Inspires Thousands To Live Life To The Fullest

When Theo, an 11-year-old golden retriever, first came to see Jenny Leech, his present fur mom, he’s at the low point in his life. Aside from being left to be on his own, the poor dog was riddled with cancer.

His previous owners must have thought him a lost cause, but here’s Jenny who just doesn’t agree – who took him in despite everything!

Jenny shares what she thought at that time when she made the decision was that they could still have a week or two to be together. What was there to lose?

Also, she says she sensed his spark and knew he had a bright personality within despite how bleak his condition was. And she wanted to take part in bringing back that side of him.

From the moment Jenny welcomed him to her home then, all she thought was how she and her family could help Theo to have happy and exciting days with the little he had left. And that’s how his bucket list began!

They started off with simple challenges for doggies until Jenny began to post Theo’s experiences online, and netizens began throwing in their suggestions. Theo being the energetic pooch that he still is, never backed away from anything, which left his followers just in awe!

And now, you won’t believe it; he’s almost crossed off all in the list! Plus, recently, he just celebrated his 12th birthday, surpassing expectations, and even more inspiring individuals everywhere. With all this, Jenny is overwhelmed and proud! And who wouldn’t be?

Well, this doggy just shows us that it’s never too late to enjoy life! And that in spite of how difficult a situation we may be put through, it’s only a matter of perspective. We can always choose to look at it in a way that will inspire us rather than cast us down!

Source at Jenny Leech via Facebook



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