A Skydiving Accident Led Couple To Fall In Love With Therapy Dogs

Perhaps it’s fate that leads people to their doggos, or maybe it’s just pure coincidence. But when we come across stories like this one, it’s hard to deny that there is a hint of serendipity in how this tale unfolded. This is the story of Otter and how he met his dog parents, Ian and Linda.

Ian Azeredo and his wife Linda Farkas love skydiving. Obviously, this is an extreme sport that that is not for everyone. Ian, however, has done this over a thousand times. He is an expert skydiver and he definitely knows what he is doing every time he jumped out of a plane.

Unfortunately, accidents still happen no matter how much experience you have under your belt, and when skydiving, a little accident can cost a person their life. Ian had a skydiving mishap and hit the ground at 60 miles per hour. He went into a coma and injured himself severely. While he was in the ICU, Linda came across animal shelter staff putting posters about therapy dogs, and Ian’s hospital was scheduled for a visit.

Ian was in a lot of pain, but every time a therapy dog would show up in the ICU, he couldn’t help but smile. These cute doggos served as a lifeline for Ian and Linda who needed all the help they could get during this trying time. When Ian was discharged, the couple went to St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center to adopt a dog, seeing how much difference the pups made in their lives.

That’s when they met Otter. The yellow Lab jumped up on Ian’s lap when he approached him. The pandemic lockdown was about to start during this time, so the timing was perfect. The couple had all the time in the world to take care of a doggo. The couple also submitted their story to the Petco Foundation.

The winner would get some goodies for their chosen animal rescue, and they won! St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center received $25,000 worth of dog supplies. This was Ian and Linda’s way of thanking the rescue group for giving them a silver lining during their darkest days.

Credits: St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center


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