Pip, an ever-patient pooch, has been longing for a place to call her own for THREE LONG YEARS. Crossed paws and hopeful eyes are all the pup can do in hopes that one day soon she will find someone who will offer her the love and care she so desperately desires.
Pointer Pip arrived in the care of the RSPCA at the beginning of 2020, making her one of the longest-stay dogs currently residing within any of the charity’s animal centres. She is currently based at Blackberry Farm Animal Centre, situated in Buckinghamshire. Despite having been with them for a long period of time, she still remains hopeful that one day she will find a loving home to call her own.
For the past few years, she has been patiently waiting for a new owner; during this time the world has experienced an unprecedented global pandemic, while in Britain there have been three different Prime Ministers and two monarchs. While she’s been biding her time, many of her canine companions have gone to live with loving families – yet still she remains hopeful that someone will soon make her part of theirs.
For six long years, Pip has been patiently waiting to be adopted. Since she was a young child, only half of her lifetime, she has dreamed for the day when someone would come and take her into their home and give her the loving family she deserves. Although this time has been filled with anxious anticipation, Pip remains positive that one day her dream will come true.
Julie Allen, the manager at Blackberry, remarked on Pip’s situation with great understanding and sympathy, “It is remarkable to think that in three short years, the world has changed so drastically. Yet here poor Pip is, still waiting for her chance to begin anew. She may be goofy and always having a laugh but she is an absolute joy nonetheless.”.
We simply cannot comprehend that she is still with us; it’s almost as if it were a miracle. She is an incredible creature, full of personality and charm, and each day we are grateful for her presence in our lives. She has brought so much joy to us, and her unwavering loyalty has been a source of strength and comfort over the years. We could not imagine life without her.
Once Pip gets to know you, she is a real pleasure to be around. She is full of exuberance and adores running after her toys, but most of all she enjoys being cuddled and having plenty of affection. She has a mischievous streak that makes her incredibly fun to be with; she always brightens up the room with her playful spirit.
Pip finds unexpected occurrences quite startling; this includes people unexpectedly popping up or anything that might make her jump. We have taught Pip specific procedures for meeting new individuals, so to ensure she remains in a calm and collected state of mind, we are seeking a household situated in an area that is peaceful and not overly populated, with plenty of rural pathways to explore.
Pip has been longing for a loving and supportive home for the past several years, awaiting to find people who will provide her with all that she needs – a safe and secure space to express herself and develop her self-confidence. She deserves room enough to be able to explore, investigate, frolic and savor life in its entirety; so that her endearing and playful nature can truly come alive.
Read More: ITV News