House of Ruff
2603 S Jackson St, Seattle, WA, US
Welcome to Seattle's premier Indoor Canine Social Club where members have an expansive indoor dog park with climate-controlled space to romp and play while staying dry in our safe, well-lit clubhouse. Play with your dog, exhaust them and then join the pack in our Ruff Lounge! You can grab a cold beer, beverage or snack and watch the game with your furry friend. House of Ruff also offers its members a variety of other services, including extended daycare hours, overnight boarding, a private self-wash dog station, grooming, puppy socialization sessions, dog obedience training, Event Rental and much more. House of Ruff is an experience unlike any other in the greater Seattle Area. Woof on the street has dogs and their owners excited! Visit Website Or call 206-325-3476 or email for more information.
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