Stellar Canines
Inquire for Address, Killeen, TX, US, 76549
At Stellar Canines, we believe that every dog, young or old & regardless of breed, deserves to be trained positively! With years of experience and skills from pet dog training and competition, Stellar Canines can help you and your dog create a relationship, grow as a partnership and become positively stellar! We offer a variety of packages that will meet the needs of the pet or competition dog! • Individualized In-Home Training • Group Classes (from Puppy/Basic to Advanced) • AKC Rally Obedience (up to Rally Advanced) • AKC Obedience (up to Novice Obedience) • AKC Canine Good Citizen Preparation & Testing Call us & schedule your consultation today! Visit Website Or call 210-379-0636 or email for more information.
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