Wag Club
362 Furman St, Brooklyn, NY, US, 11201
Wag Club is a first-class boutique offering daycare, boarding, grooming, training and walking services. Wag Club was founded in 2011 by Lucy, a Jack Russell of determinate character. Like many visionaries of our time, Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs, Lady Gaga... Lucy had a dream. She envisioned a home away from home; a clean and safe environment in Brooklyn where she could be showered with TLC, work out, “get her fur did”, and socialize with her friends. And Lucy’s dream benefited those at the other end of the leash as well. She believed Wag Club could be an open forum for people to interact, share information and be involved in a special community that wants only the best for their loyal companions. Visit Website Or call 347-689-6925 or email info@wagclubny.com for more information.
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